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Search our articles or browse by category belowWhen the amplifier is in the ear is has a sound like air is blowing
505 views  July 1, 2023
Whistling noise usually happens due to ear domes not properly fitted in ear canal. If the domes isn't properly fitted in your ear canal, it can cause sounds and air to leak out and make those uncomfortable noises.
Here are some tips to eliminate whistling/feedback:
1. Take out the dome and re-insert it in your ear.
The whistling noise should stop once the device is fitted correctly inside your ear.
2. Changing the dome size (preferably closed-tip) of your hearing aid might also help;
3.Whistling can also be caused by a buildup of wax on the ear tube. (clean/replace ear tube)
Please contact our customer support for further assistance with troubleshooting.